Category: Web Development

Category: Web Development

Introduction to React - Getting Started on Your First Project

React has become one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. It enables developers to create dynamic, responsive web applications efficiently. Getting started with React is straightforward, especially when following a structured approach to setting up the first project. Many developers find React’s component-based architecture intuitive, allowing for easy maintenance and scalability. […]


Installing WooCommerce on a WordPress site hosted by Namecheap is a straightforward process that enables you to turn any WordPress website into a fully functional e-commerce platform. WooCommerce is a powerful, extendable plugin that helps you sell anything beautifully. Whether you’re launching a small business or looking to scale an existing one, WooCommerce provides you […]


Creating a website using HTML and CSS can be an exciting endeavor for those looking to establish a web presence. HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, provides the structure of a website, whereas CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, defines the website’s appearance. By learning to use these languages together, anyone can develop a fully functional and […]


Are you a web developer looking to take your skills to the next level? Look no further than Bootstrap – one of the most popular front-end development frameworks used by countless developers worldwide. With its sleek and modern design, extensive customization options, and powerful features, Bootstrap has become a staple for creating responsive and visually […]


JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It is used to create interactive web pages, web applications, and mobile apps. Learning JavaScript can be an excellent way to develop your skills as a web developer and boost your career prospects. However, getting started with JavaScript can be daunting, especially if […]


Hello, and welcome to our article on what is the charset in HTML. Let’s get started! Charset, short for character set, defines which characters are used when a webpage is rendered. It’s an important attribute because it ensures that text displays correctly across different browsers and international settings. The charset is a part of the […]


The HTML `<head>` tag is a crucial element of a website and can be found at the top of each page, right inside the opening “ tag. The HTML `<head>` tag’s purpose is to provide additional information about the web page. Inside the `<head>` tag, there are several other HTML tags you can use, each […]


The HTML tag serves as the foundational element of every web page, encompassing all other HTML elements except for the <!DOCTYPE html> tag. It acts as the encompassing container, providing structure and organization to the content. All other elements must be descendants of this element. It is recommended to include the “lang” attribute within the […]


Hello, and welcome to this short article on the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration in HTML5. The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration is an important part of your HTML document that tells a web browser which version of HTML you are using. It is the first line of code and should be one of the very first things written […]


Today I’m going to show you how to customize a HubSpot form with your own CSS and JavaScript code. Required Before Getting Started I do want to say one thing before getting started. If I mention any links in this video you can find them in the description as well so let’s get right to […]